Enjoy your hair again.

FUE hair transplant in Poland – from £0.99 / graft

Hotel & Cracow Airport Transfers included.

Questions? We will contact you within 24 hours.

The administrator of the data is us, i.e. Michał Smyła NIP 6462963492 with registered office at al. Niepodległości 36, 43-100 Tychy, Poland. The data will be processed in order to respond to your inquiry in accordance with the regulations.

See our results


Katakana- K1
Katakana- K1
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I heartily recommend the Doctor, he is a great specialist, and a very empathetic person. At the beginning of December it was exactly one year since the transplant was performed. The procedure itself was carried out professionally and in a pleasant atmosphere. Immediately after the procedure I was given detailed instructions on how to care for my scalp after the transplant. Also at a later time I could count on advice, the Doctor patiently explained everything. The effect of the procedure exceeded my wildest expectations, my self-confidence returned, and I look at myself with satisfaction now. For those who are undecided - the game is worth the candle. Thank you again to the Doctor and the entire staff. I heartily recommend you! 🙂
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Outstanding medical competence and altruistic attitude. Let's hope we don't end up with a patient who abuses trust, because Mr. Michael presents business ethics at the highest level. With best regards......B.W
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I had two bald patches on my head from birth. The treatment was in October. The hair is already there. I recommend 😊
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I highly recommend Mr. Michael, despite his young age a great specialist, he has the knowledge and the right skills to make the patient feel taken care of and special. You can feel that he approaches each patient individually and with heart, accessible and very kind. His whole team very well harmonized, they even understand each other without words which only confirms the professionalism. If anyone hesitates I wholeheartedly recommend, I also had doubts but after the procedure I am mega satisfied.
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Super!!! I highly recommend the doctor!
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Dr. Michael is a wonderful, competent and young doctor with a true calling, but also a great person with high personal culture. He explained everything without hurry and with great patience, He handled all the formalities - from the hotel stay to the transplant itself. I did not worry about anything. During the time-consuming hair transplant procedure, he and his team created a cordial atmosphere, He transplanted 3200 grafts with heart and commitment. I am very grateful to him for that. A storm of hair already 4 months after the procedure 🙂 I was rejuvenated 🙂 I am extremely happy that it was Dr. Michael who transplanted my hair. In addition, he also transplanted the post-operative scar on my brother's head. of which today there is no trace 🙂 Price and quality firecracker! I sincerely recommend everyone struggling with the problem of lack of hair! Sending a big hug to the whole transplant team! Fan of "The 1975" and his brother 🙂
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Reliable patient information, positive impression
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You can see that he has experience Mr. Doctor. He takes a professional approach to the procedure and is very nice. The nurses also deserve praise, they perform their tasks professionally and are also nice. To sum up-the team approaches the procedure źreliably, the procedure was done solidly, I can recommend to other patients 🤗.
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I heartily recommend Mr. Michael and the entire staff. Professionals in their field, presenting an individual and comprehensive approach to the patient. The whole procedure was carried out professionally and in a pleasant atmosphere.The results after 4 months are great.Great knowledge and great contact with the patient at every stage.I recommend this place to anyone who is considering a hair transplant.
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Complete professionalism in every way from A to Z. Fantastic care and contact before during and after the procedure Committed qualified and experienced staff, Mr. Michael is a super doctor warm and empathetic, I am 1 day after the procedure rally so the results are still a few months away but I can already see the quality of workmanship, I will add the next picture in a month
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You can see the great knowledge and experience and commitment of the doctor. Visiting hours are flexible, and the atmosphere in the office is pleasant. I recommend
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It has just been a year since the treatment . I am very happy with the decision I made and the results that have been achieved . The doctor is a specialist who cares about every detail, focusing on the needs and welfare of the patient. He takes an individual approach to the needs, and tries to work with the patient to choose the best possible solution to the problem of hair loss. I can 100% recommend Mr. Doctor . If I had to make a decision again without hesitation I would choose this place .
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I also recommend Mr. Michael, I went to him with the problem of androgenetic alopecia, he explained to me in detail explained the whole process from beginning to end and at this point we will try the treatment due to the fact that it is not too late, I recommend anyone who has doubts / wonders what to do just go for a consultation 🙂
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I recommend this place as much as possible to anyone struggling with hair loss. Mr. Michal is a young person who has a lot of knowledge and an open mind, and above all he is not corrupted by money, thanks to this he does not look through the prism of profit after dead bodies, he treats the patient humanely, from what I have noticed he tries to help as much as he can, but if there is a small chance to improve the condition of hair he says it directly and does not stretch for costs. Really with a clear conscience I can recommend Dr. Michael !

Our team

lek. Michał Smyła – główny operator w klinice przeszczepu włosów FUE SmylaHair

Michal Smyla, MD

Medical doctor, associated with hair restoration surgery since his studies. Gained experience in clinics across Europe and Asia; author of scientific papers on androgenetic alopecia.

Lead hair transplant specialist


Non-surgical hair loss treatments

dr n. med. Zbigniew Smyła — lek. Michał Smyła – drugi operator w klinice przeszczepu włosów FUE SmylaHair

Zbigniew Smyla, MD, PhD

Consultant in general surgery and oncological surgery with many years of experience; doctor of medical science, researcher at the Silesian Medical University.

Secondary hair transplant specialist


Non-surgical hair loss treatments

How it works

1. Send us pictures

Contacting us is easy. Within 24 hours, you will get a free, personalized quote from our surgeons.

Get in touch:

2. Book a flight

Once the surgery date is scheduled, you can book your flight to Cracow or Katowice.

It’s a 2 hour flight and return fares are often less than £50.

3. We take care of the rest

We provide transfers to and from Cracow and a night at a nearby hotel.

On the day of surgery, you will be provided with snacks, drinks, a care kit and a new hairline.


Your satisfaction is our mission.

See what sets us apart:

SmylaHair Znieczulenie-2

The entire procedure is performed by a doctor

All stages of transplantation – anesthesia, harvesting and implanting the follicles – are performed by a doctor with years of experience in the field, assisted by skilled nurses.

We focus on natural looking hairlines

We implant at the highest possible density

We perform the treatments using the FUE / DHI method

FUE is a minimally invasive method, with a short recovery period and without leaving linear scars.


The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia

You can return to work even the next day after the procedure

FUE method leaves no linear scars

Pobieranie mieszków włosowych w klinice przeszczepu włosów FUE SmylaHair
Konsultacja lekarza z pacjentem przed zabiegiem przeszczepu włosów FUE SmylaHair

We use the latest techniques and equipment

A successful hair transplant depends mostly on the experience of the team, but the equipment used also affects the final result.

We implant the follicles using the DHI technique

We use innovative, trumpet-shaped punches

We chill the grafts in a special holding solution

We keep non-surgical treatment in mind

We consider non-surgical methods before deciding on transplantation. We select the treatment that is most beneficial to you.


We consider non-surgical methods before deciding on transplantation


We prescribe complementary pharmacological treatment

Konsultacja przed zabiegiem w klinice przeszczepu włosów FUE SmylaHair

Additionaly, we offer:

Free consultations

Every consultation at SmylaHair is free of charge, without obligation, and you can count on our support for an unlimited time after the procedure.

Schedule an appointment:

Fair prices

We are able to offer you some of the most competitive prices in Europe. How we do it? We get personally involved in every step of the procedure, and the best advertisement for us is our satisfied customers.

Friendly atmosphere

Each patient receives a care kit, snacks and, if necessary, a 24-hour hotel stay.
There is a TV in the treatment room, and you will communicate with our team in Polish, English and German.

Questions? We will contact you within 24 hours.

The administrator of the data is us, i.e. Michał Smyła NIP 6462963492 with registered office at al. Niepodległości 36, 43-100 Tychy, Poland. The data will be processed in order to respond to your inquiry in accordance with the regulations.

Online consultation

Within 24 hours you will be contacted by a doctor and presented with treatment options.

Did you know that

At SmylaHair, you also care about others.
Every month, a portion of the proceeds is donated to charity.

Frequently asked questions

The cost of an FUE hair transplant at SmylaHair clinic is £1.50 per graft (current promotion – £1.20 / graft). A graft means a follicular unit, which can contain, on average 2-3 hairs.

For example:

  • Small procedure (1000 grafts): £1190
  • Medium-sized procedure (2500 grafts): £2990
  • Large procedure (4000 grafts): £3990

FUE hair transplantation is an almost painless procedure – it is carried out under local anesthesia from start to finish.

Some patients may experience minor pain after the anesthesia has worn off – but it is easily controlled with over-the-counter pain medications.

FUE hair transplantation leaves no linear scars.

The areas from which the follicles were taken are very small in diameter (0.7-0.9 mm) and become almost invisible after only about a week after the procedure.

Yes. The reults of FUE hair transplantation are permanent – the transplanted hair will not fall out.

Advantages of FUE hair transplantation:

  • The treatment does not leave linear scars
  • It is near-painless
  • Short recovery period
  • It is possible to take grafts from areas such as beard, chest

Disadvantages of FUE hair transplantation:

  • The procedure takes longer than a FUT transplant (STRIP)
  • It is more expensive than FUT (STRIP) transplantation

Naturalna linia włosów

Stworzenie naturalnie wyglądające linii włosów jest wyzwaniem dla każdego chirurga – wymaga nie tylko techniki i doświadczenia, ale też poczucia estetyki.

Lekarz tworzący miejsca biorcze w skórze głowy pacjenta w trakcie zabiegu przeszczepu włosów FUE

Na naturalny wygląd linii włosów składa się:

  • projekt,
  • odpowiednia gęstość,
  • użycie jednowłosowych zespołów mieszkowych.

Linia włosów musi być zaprojektowana w symetryczny sposób, z zachowaniem niewielkiej nieregularności – zbyt równa linia wygląda sztucznie.

Zwiększona gęstość oraz użycie jedynie jednowłosówych zespołów mieszkowych w pierwszej linii wzrostu odwzorowuje naturalny wzrost włosów. 

Transsekcja mieszków

Transsekcja mieszków to ich uszkodzenie (najczęściej przecięcie) w trakcie pobierania.

Poziom transsekcji mieszków w naszej klinice wynosi najczęściej 3% lub mniej.

U niektórych pacjentów, u których występują trudne warunki anatomiczne (kręcone włosy, ich nieregularny wzrost, rzadziej rodzaj skóry) poziom transsekcji może dojść do 10%.

Są to wyniki porównywalne lub lepsze od wyników uzyskiwanych przez zrobotyzowane metody (np. ARTAS).

Trzeba jednak pamiętać, że nie jest to jedyny parametr wpływający na przeżywalność przeszczepów. Równie istotne jest delikatne obchodzenie się z mieszkami i nienarażanie ich na długotrwały kontakt z powietrzem.


Przeszczep włosów FUE jest przeprowadzany w znieczuleniu miejscowym.


Znieczulenie – podobne jak to stosowane u stomatologów – jest podawane miejscowo na początku oraz w trakcie zabiegu.

Sam zabieg odbywa się bez użycia skalpela czy zakładania szwów.

Dzięki temu przeszczep włosów jest zabiegiem niemal bezbolesnym.

Powrót do pracy

Przeszczep włosów FUE jest procedurą małoinwazyjną – można wrócić do pracy nawet na następny dzień.

Większość pacjentów może wrócić do pracy na następny dzień po zabiegu, zazwyczaj zalecamy jednak zachowanie kilku dni na rekonwalescencję. W szczególności dotyczy to osób, które w pracy noszą kask, narażone są na działanie pyłu czy wysiłek fizyczny.

Po zabiegu istnieje możliwość wystawienia zwolnienia lekarskiego (L4) w naszej Klinice.

Gojenie po zabiegu

Przeszczep włosów FUE jest zabiegiem niepozostawiającym linijnych blizn.

Jedną z głównych zalet przeszczepu włosów metodą FUE jest brak linijnej blizny, jaka pozostaje po zabiegu metodą FUT (STRIP).

Dzięki stosowaniu ostrzy o bardzo małej średnicy (0,7–0,9 mm) miejsca, z których pobrano mieszki, stają się niemal niewidoczne już po około tygodniu po zabiegu.

Wszczepianie mieszków

W SmylaHair mieszki włosowe wszczepiamy przy użyciu implanterów, które są bezpieczniejsze dla graftów w porównaniu do tradycyjnych metod z zastosowaniem pincet.


Stosujemy dwie metody wszczepiania mieszków:

  • Sapphire — miejsca biorcze, w które następnie będą wszczepione mieszki, są tworzone przy pomocy ostrza szafirowego,
  • DHI – miejsca biorcze są tworzone przez implanter jednoczasowo wszczepiający mieszek.

Stożkowe ostrza

Do pobierania mieszków stosujemy ostrza o innowacyjnym, stożkowym kształcie.

Dzięki nim:

  • wokół pobieranych mieszków pozostaje więcej tkanki tłuszczowej,
  • minimalizowane jest ryzyko uszkodzenia (przecięcia) mieszków.

Oznacza to lepszą przeżywalność przeszczepów i lepszy efekt dla Ciebie.

Płyn prezerwacyjny

Przeszczepy przechowujemy na płytach chłodzących w specjalnym płynie prezerwacyjnym.

Rozwiązanie to maksymalizuje przeżywalność przeszczepów, co przekłada się na lepszy efekt dla Ciebie.

Leczenie niezabiegowe

Proponujemy takie leczenie, które jest dla Ciebie najkorzystniejsze. 

Dobieramy dla Ciebie również terapie farmakologiczne.
Nie musisz decydować się na przeszczep włosów, żeby skorzystać z leczenia niezabiegowego.

Natural hairline

Creating a natural-looking hairline requires not only technique and experience, but also a sense of aesthetics.

Lekarz tworzący miejsca biorcze w skórze głowy pacjenta w trakcie zabiegu przeszczepu włosów FUE

What makes a hairline appear natural?

  • The design, including micro- and macro-irregularities
  • Appropriate density
  • The use of fine, single-hair follicles at the front



Follicle transection

Follicle transection is the trauma, usually cutting, to a hair graft during the harvesting process.

Thanks to the technique and equipment used (trumpet punches), the level of follicular transection in our clinic is usually 2% or less.





FUE hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia.


Anesthesia – similar to that used by dentists – is administered subcutaneously at the beginning and during the procedure.

The procedure itself is performed without the use of a scalpel or sutures.

This makes hair transplantation a nearly painless procedure.

Returning to work

FUE hair transplantation is a minimally invasive procedure – you can return to work even the next day.

Patients can return to work even the next day after surgery.However, we recommend keeping 10-12 days for recovery. This especially applies to those who wear a helmet at work or are exposed to dust or physical exertion.


Post-op healing

FUE hair transplantation is a non-linear scarring procedure.

One of the main advantages of FUE hair transplantation is the lack of a linear scar that remains after the FUT (STRIP) procedure.

Thanks to the use of punches with a very small diameter (0.7-0.9 mm), the holes in the donor area become almost invisible after about a week after the procedure.


At SmylaHair, we implant the follicles using implantsers, which allow us to achieve high densities and reduce graft out-of-body time since there’s no need to create incisions.


During the implantation process:

  • Nurses load the implanters
  • The doctor does all of the implantations.

Trumpet punches

We use punches with an innovative, trumpet shape to harvest the follicles.

Thanks to this:

  • More adipose tissue remains around the follicles,
  • The risk of damage (transection) to the follicles is minimized.

This means better graft survival and a better outcome for you.

Holding solution

We store the grafts on cooling plates in a special holding solution.

This solution maximizes the survival rate of the grafts, which translates into a better outcome for you.

Non-surgical treatment

We offer treatment options that are most beneficial to you.

We prescribe pharmacological treatments as well.
You don’t have to opt for a hair transplant to benefit from non-surgical treatment.


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